

I love the Kyäni products! I am 60 years young. I was diagnosed with Mersa and Staff infection of the hair follicles about 8 years ago. I went to many doctors over the years including dermatologists and infectious disease doctors which prescribed antibiotics that helped for awhile then it would come back. Then I was introduced to Kyäni by my good friend Jeff Storch. I was looking real bad. Today my face is looking very, very well. Thank you Kyäni.

I am also a single parent of a beautiful 11 year old daughter and a small business co-owner. The Kyäni products make it a lot easier to deal with the stress. I am a happier person. Thank you Kyäni for this wonderful product and business opportunity. Bless the Kyäni co-founders. Just remember, don't give up. "Shake it off and step it up with Kyäni!" It will be a life changing experience. Bless everyone at the corporate offices in Idaho Falls.
 Thanks again!
Ted Massender Sapphire

我愛的 Kyäni 產品 !我年輕的 60 歲。我被診斷出大約 8 年前毛囊哈來布和工作人員感染。我在一段時間然後它會回來説明的年包括皮膚科和傳染病醫生的處方抗生素去了很多醫生。然後我是通過我的好朋友傑夫 · 斯托奇介紹給 Kyäni。我要找真正壞。今天在我的臉找非常,非常好。謝謝你 Kyäni。我也是單親美麗的 11 歲女兒和小企業共有人。Kyäni 產品使很多容易處理壓力。我是一個快樂的人。謝謝你 Kyäni 這個神奇的產品和商業機會。保佑 Kyäni 創始人。只是記住,不要放棄。"它擺脫和加緊與 Kyäni!"它將改變體驗生活。祝福大家在愛達荷瀑布的公司辦事處。再次,感謝!

Ted Massender 藍寶石 (由 Bing 提供翻譯)



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